Author - vsya

New Launch Projects by Oro24

New Launch Projects by Oro24 Developments

Dubai is one of the world's most popular real estate markets, thanks to its strong economy, strategic location, and luxurious lifestyle. The city offers many properties, from affordable apartments to luxury villas. Dubai's real estate market is constantly growing and evolving, launching new projects frequently.

Fibroids in pregnancy

How Fibroids Affect Fertility and Pregnancy

Are you struggling to conceive? Fibroids might be one of the causes. Fibroids, unwelcome growths in the muscular wall of the uterus, affect up to 70% of women by age 50. While many women have no symptoms, fibroids can bring unpleasant surprises, impacting fertility and pregnancy. But don’t worry! Understanding what fibroids are, their types and their...

cataract eye surgery

What Is the Treatment for After-Cataract?

Getting cataract eye surgery is a life-changing experience, restoring clear vision and vibrant colours. But sometimes, even after successful surgery, cloudiness can develop behind the lens implant, known as posterior subcapsular opacification (PCO) or after-cataract. However, the good news is that this condition can be effectively treated with a simple and efficient outpatient procedure called YAG...

Blepharoplasty Surgery

Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty: A Solution for Aging Eyes

The eyes are often called the windows to the soul, but with time, they can also become visible signs of aging. Sagging eyelids, under-eye bags, and fine lines can make you look tired, sad, and even older than your years, making you feel less confident. But thankfully, treatment options are there.  Enter upper and lower blepharoplasty...


Can Azoospermia be Treated?

For every couple dreaming of starting a family, the news of male infertility can be distressing. One of the leading culprits in this scenario is azoospermia, a condition where no sperm is found in the semen. Men diagnosed with azoospermia usually think they can’t become fathers. But, thanks to medical advancement, azoospermia can be treated. To...

myopia lense

Can Glasses Actually Make Your Vision Worse?

For many people, glasses are a constant companion, providing clarity in a hazy environment. But rumours persist: can these helpful glasses actually harm your vision? Thankfully, the answer is no. In fact, properly prescribed glasses or myopia lenses are safeguards of your eye, not enemies. Glasses correct various refractive errors, like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, by...

Breast Augmentation surgery

Here Are Your Options If You Want to Fix Uneven Breasts

Uneven breasts, also known as breast asymmetry, are a common problem among women that can manifest as differences in size, shape, or positioning of the breasts. There are several factors, such as ageing, genetics, hormonal fluctuations, and lifestyle, that can contribute to these differences. While uneven breasts are a physical characteristic, they can sometimes trigger emotional...

Breast Reduction Surgery

Complete Guide to Breast Reduction Surgery in India

Reduction mammoplasty, which is also known as breast reduction surgery, is a surgical technique that removes excess skin, breast tissue, and extra fat from a woman’s breasts. This is done to make a woman’s breasts appear smaller. Women who are unhappy with their enormous breasts have back pain, discomfort, neck pain, problems with looks, or low...


What Is the Best Age for Getting Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a transformative surgical procedure that can improve the nose's aesthetic and functional aspects. It can help correct nasal asymmetry, refine the nasal tip, reduce or augment the size of the nose, and improve breathing difficulties caused by structural issues. However, if you are considering rhinoplasty surgery, you might...